
This section contains links and references to other internet sites that may serve as resources for athletes, coaches, parents, administrators, and organizations seeking knowledge or requiring support in the areas of sport and mental health. Please note that the CCMHS does not endorse viewpoints expressed or guarantee the accuracy of information found on these sites. The CCMHS does not control these other websites and we encourage you to read the privacy policy and Terms of Condition and Use of every website you visit.


The resources below pertain to Canadian organizations associated with competitive and high performance sport, ethics in sport, coaching, gender equity and diversity in sport, long-term athlete development, and research in sport.

Mental health in the sport context

I want to be the most confident, strong person I can be for my son but at some point I might falter and that’s fine. Men must realize there’s no shame in feeling vulnerable or putting yourself out there because everyone’s going to be vulnerable at some point.
— Shea Emry | Professional Canadian Football Player | Canada All-star and 2x Grey Cup Champion | As quoted by the Globe and Mail

Mental Health Resources